Final Tree and Rock assets

These are the final models and textures for the Rock and Tree assets.

Not as much time as I would have liked has been spent on these and my lack of experience in tree modeling really shows with the tree asset. I had researched different ways to model the tree in 3DSMax and most of them are rather time consuming, I managed to create something that looks ok, but not to the standard I would have liked.

The rocks however, are looking rather good considering the time I had put into them. This was because I had already made a few rock like assets for my AGD module and Had some experience in creating rocks within Zbrush, this has help to speed up the creation for the rocks. I also think that the texture looks quite good, I used colours referenced from Tomb Raider and also a few picture I got from a  texturing website called CG textures. This site has been my primary source for texture and has been a great help throughout this project.

I may try and create some plant assets. However time is really short now and I need to get all my assets into Marmoset and place these rock many many times.

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