Block out Progress 2

I have been working on blocking out all the main assets in my environment, this will include the following:

Tea house, Outside wall, Entrance, Big trees.

Once all these assets are blocked out I can work on detailing them, starting with the Tea house.
Originally, I was planning on exporting and importing all individual pieces that made up these structures. However this will take up too much time and I will end up creating a ridiculous amount of files. Therefore I have decided to group assets, for example: (Tea house veranda Group). I will then give this group its own texture sheet and unwrap the assets together and export them out of 3DSMax as a “Chunk”.
I feel this may not be the most optimal approach, however as I haven’t been able to work on my final project as much as I would have liked, this method is faster and I will be able to create and texture assets at a quicker rate.

Bridge Model:
I have finished the Bridge model and added as much detail as I think is needed. I used the method explained above to export and import this asset into Max as one “Chunk” (Called: Bridge Asset).
Th next step for the asset is texturing, but this will be left until I start texturing my main tea house building.

Wall Block out:
The wall for the outside perimeter has been completed with all the necessary basic shapes, all that is needed now is to add the remaining detail and then move onto the UV unwrap.

Entrance Block out:
This asset still needs some extra shapes created to finish the block out. I am also still working out the sizes for this asset.

Here is an image to show the current state of a few of my assets:

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