Main Scene

The main assets have been put into the main scene within marmoset.

Terrain has been created. I decided to make 3 Parts to the terrain and then re-use two of these to make the whole terrain for the environment. The results are ok and the textures are looking acceptable, but I can see the seams where the terrain pieces join together. I will try hide these with the grass meshes I will create in the next week.

The lighting so far is just one directional  light and I have used an image of mine as a background, although that may change.

The next task for my environment is just creating as many assets as I can in a week and a half, I will try to create the following:
- 10 Rocks
- 2-4 types of grass patches
- One main tree
- 3-6 variety of plants
- 1-2 secondary assets, such as lanterns

Along with the above I may end up trying to re-use pieces of the building assets for rubble, to clutter the place a bit.

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